A Strong Team With A Proven Track Record

Our Management team provides unparalleled resources and expertise in operations, safety, regulatory compliance and other operational activities.

Michelle Joseph

President & CEO

michelle josephMichelle Joseph has worked in the emergency services sector for over 13 years, providing strategic management counsel including future scanning, scenario-building, mission review, objectives, strategies, policies and strategy implementation.

On assignment, she frequently liaises with state and local governments, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, local emergency planning committees (LEPCs), EMC’s, and emergency responders nationwide.

Joseph also served as executive director of The Smalley Foundation, one of the most prestigious and nationally recognized educational non-profit organizations for first responders in the United States.

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Don Smith

Managing Consultant

don smithDon Smith works with local county governments and emergency responder agencies to identify and address emergency responders’ strategic and operational needs.

A former senior fire-service professional, Smith works closely with ISO representatives to develop solutions which meet ISO requirements, operations and equipment efficiency, and ranking systems.

He served as fire chief for multiple agencies in Austin area/Travis County for 16 years. Smith has over 38 years of command experience in safety and fire department response capabilities, including budgeting, facility planning, conceptualization and building.

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Von Beals

Senior Consultant

von bealsBeals specializes in public safety communications. The 35-year veteran of fire service, EMS and public safety communications is past president of the California Chapter of the National Emergency Number Association (NENA), a member of Association of Public Safety Communications Officials International (APCO), and past president of California Fire Chiefs Association/Communications Division/Southern Division.

Beals also worked closely on International Computer Aided Dispatch Consortium and served on California’s gubernatorial task force for Wireless 9-1-1, where he produced a 9-1-1 kid’s program and video.

Awards include Los Angeles County Fire Department’s Overachiever Award, Ventura County Fire Department’s Fire Cadet of the year, 9-1-1 for Kid’s Hero Award, and a special proclamation from Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for helping save a young boy’s life.

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