“Strong fire service is important for the safety of our community now and an important piece to attract businesses for our future economic growth and sustainability.”

- Judge Joel Rodriguez: -LaSalle County
“We brought Soteria in to help us advance our fire service, EMS care and improve our ISO rating to work at reducing property insurance rates. We are now realizing the rewards of these goals.”

- Judge Joel Rodriguez -LaSalle County
“Bringing fire service training to communities like La Salle County for the safety of the citizens and the firefighters is key to building skilled and prepared emergency response. Soteria Solutions has given much needed guidance for the implementation of the SFFMA training and development for these firefighters.”

Chris BarronExecutive Director of the State Firefighters’
and Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas
and Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas
“Soteria Solutions has helped guide our community to advance our emergency response capabilities and the develop our LEPC. Michelle Joseph’s expertise has brought much needed knowledge to aid in the expedient and efficient support to improve the safety of our citizens.”

Judge James TealMcMullen County